Mother and Daughter Come to Christ

Puebla, Mexico—Francisca and her teenage daughter Susy work hard, Francisca as a street vendor selling fruit juices and Susy as a waitress. Francisca is a single mom and has no family in town to help when money is tight. Every peso they earn goes towards essentials—food, clothing and a roof over their heads.

Though they have a roof over their heads, for years they didn’t have a floor beneath their feet. This was not only uncomfortable, but also left Francisca and Susy vulnerable to sickness in the colder months. However, due to the cost involved, having a floor was an unachievable dream.

In November Francisca was struggling with loneliness. She knew her neighbor Polo was a pastor and went to seek advice. Pastor Polo and his wife welcomed Francisca and her daughter into their home and began a friendship with them. When they noticed Francisca’s dirt floor they knew what to do—they worked with HOPE Coffee to arrange for the church to provide a floor for Francisca and Susy. The mother and daughter had never felt such love from strangers before!

Since receiving their new floor five months ago, Francisca and Susy have attended church each week. Recently, she told Pastor Polo that she was ready to give her life to Christ! After making the decision to follow Jesus, Francisca became emotional saying, “Now, I belong to a family.”

Susy noticed a change in her mom and needed to find out more about following Jesus. The week after Francisca became a Christian, Susy visited the pastor’s wife and asked, “What does it mean when you say ‘born again’?” After Pastor Polo’s wife shared the gospel message, Susy decided that she too wanted to follow Jesus.

Thank you for choosing HOPE Coffee for your homes, organizations and churches. Because of you, Francisca and Susy have a floor in their home. They no longer feel alone—they have a community of believers surrounding them. Most importantly, they have the assurance of eternal life with Jesus. You are a part of this story of giving the ultimate gift of HOPE to our new sisters in Christ.

Empowering local churches to meet the needs of families in their communities is a critical part of what you do when you drink HOPE Coffee. It’s important to us that the recipient family is connected to a church and continues to hear the gospel message long after the project is complete—much like what happened in Francisca and Susy’s story.

Send a note to Pastor Polo and the church in Puebla, Mexico as they continue to mentor and encourage Francisca, Susy and the rest of their community.

HOPE Partner Tip: 
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