Maria’s Family Follows Jesus

Maria and her four children lived without a roof for years. During the rainy seasons, they used scraps of wood and metal they had found to patch together some protection from the elements.

When Pastor Miguel and his church met Maria they decided to help. Partnering with HOPE Coffee, they were able to purchase supplies and install a proper roof for Maria and her children!

As the church members worked to build the roof, they showed the love of Jesus, sharing the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection. When Pastor Miguel and his wife asked the family if they were ready to follow Jesus, four of them said, “Yes!”

Because you choose HOPE Coffee, Maria’s family now follows Jesus. They have a roof over their heads and a church family to call their own.

HOPE Partner Tip: 
Keep your church or organization updated on the latest impact of their coffee by using these free downloads of Social Media Posts and Announcement Slides for your pre-service announcements or on a screen near your coffee bar!  Click the image below to download the announcement slide in our online store.