Ana Rosa Becomes a Believer

In the rural desert region of Tlaixpan, Puebla, Mexico, clean water is a constant problem for already-struggling families. One family who desperately needed a source of clean water was Ana Rosa, her mother and her three children.

God put it on the hearts of the members of a neighboring church to help this family in need. They partnered with HOPE Coffee to provide a water storage system for Ana Rosa and her family!

One day while Ana Rosa was working and talking alongside the volunteers, she asked if she too could have a relationship with Christ. The members of the church stopped their work immediately and walked her through her decision to follow Jesus!

 “I thank God that he put you all on my path…” – Ana Rosa, Puebla, Mexico

Everyone was so overjoyed that they stopped their work and sang songs of worship. Not only does Ana Rosa have a way to provide consistent, clean water for her family, but she also has a community of believers to stand behind her.

Embajadores de Cristo is the church in Puebla, Mexico that oversaw this project. They have a heart for serving their community and they have overseen many HOPE Coffee projects over the years! You can keep this church in your prayers as they have been without a consistent pastor for two years now.

HOPE Partner Tip: 
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