A New Home and a New Faith

Maria and Boys

Juchitan, Oaxaca, Mexico—Maria had been following Jesus for just a few weeks when an earthquake destroyed her home and immediately put her faith to the test. The devastating earthquake left Maria and her two sons, Roberto and Jose, with nothing. Though she had a new life in Christ and a community of believers to call her own, she faced the tremendous need of a safe home for her family.

Her church, Cristo mi Unico Esperanza (Christ My One Hope), heard of her great loss and wanted to encourage her young faith. Pastor Albino partnered with HOPE Coffee to provide Maria’s family with a safe, stable home of their own. Along with the pastor and members of her church, many of Maria’s relatives came to help with the project.

As Maria witnessed the construction of her new home her faith was renewed. She began to know and trust God as her provider. Not only did this project strengthen her faith, but the love of Jesus that the church displayed also impacted Maria’s sister, Guadalupe. Soon after the house was complete, Guadalupe began to attend church with her sister where Pastor Albino shared the gospel with her. Guadalupe decided that she, too, wanted to follow Christ!

“I’m thankful to God that you have blessed me with this support. It’s been a huge blessing to me because I didn’t have a house, and now I have a home.”
-Maria Hernandez

Thank you for choosing HOPE Coffee and being a part of what God is doing in the lives of countless families in Mexico!

When you choose HOPE Coffee you are a part of funding projects just like this one. Your purchase gives churches opportunities to further the gospel in their neighborhoods. Thank you to Iglesia de Bautista Cristo mi Unica Esperanza and pastors Adan and Albino for their key roles in executing this project and sharing the gospel with our new sister—Guadalupe.

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